Declaration on Accessibility
Deutsches Ledermuseum endeavors to provide a barrier-free website in accordance with the provisions of the Hessen Act on Equal Opportunities for the Disabled (HessBGG) section 14 para 1 and the Hessen Decree on Barrier-Free Information Technology (HVBIT) for the implementation of the EU directive 2016/2102.
This declaration on barrier-free access to digital information applies to the version of the website currently available in the internet
Status of compatibility with the requirements
Owing to the following exceptions the website is partially compatible with section 14 para 1 (Hess-BGG).
Non-barrier-free content
The content listed below is not barrier-free for the following reasons:
Incompatibility with the HVBIT
The following content is not compatible with section 3 para 1 of the HVBIT and not barrier-free for the following reason:
Easy language has not yet been implemented.
The content has not yet been made available in German sign language.
Not all of the graphics used on the website (images, operating elements, symbols) have alternative texts and picture descriptions.
There are no subtitles and transcriptions for embedded videos.
Documents such as PDF files for downloading are not comprehensively available barrier-free.
There is not (full) keyboard access of the website; however, the search function can be used as an alternative.
As implementing the directives would mean an extraordinary burden in organizational terms given the museum’s limited human and financial resources we do not currently have barrier-free alternatives for the content listed above. However, you are welcome to consult us via the means of contact listed below and we will work out individual solutions where needed.
Date of the drafting of the declaration on barrier-free access
The review of the compliance with the requirements is based on a self-assessment conducted on February 26, 2021.
Contact for comments and questions on digital barrier-free access
You would like to inform us about existing barriers or ask for information on the implementation of barrier-free access? You are welcome to contact us with feedback or on all other matters.
Deutsches Ledermuseum
Frankfurter Strasse 86
63067 Offenbach/Main
+49 (0) 69 829798 0
Enforcement and Monitoring Agency for Barrier-Free Information Technology
Should, after a period of six weeks, your enquiry not have been answered by Deutsches Ledermuseum you are entitled to contact the Enforcement and Monitoring Agency for Barrier-Free Information Technology directly. The agency will consult with all parties involved and attempt to identify the nature of the lack of barrier-free access so that the responsible body can remedy the situation.
Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration
Head Office: Giessen Regional Administrative Council
Prof. Dr. Erdmuthe Meyer zu Bexten
Landesbeauftragte für barrierefreie IT
Leiterin der Durchsetzungs- und Überwachungsstelle
Neuen Bäue 2
35390 Giessen
+49 (0) 641 303 2901